Models Sequenced:
EFL: EFL Fans, Singing Ghosts (Spalding Spooks), Showstopper Spinner, Singing Pumpkin, Snow globe, Howl-o-Wings
Boscoyo: Bats, Singing Monster, Singing Pumpkin, Black Cat, Tune to Sign, Chatty Ghosts,
Gilbert Engineering: Rosa Wreath, Bats, Flying Bats, Spooky Tree, Hattitude
Custom Christmas Creations: Witch with Singing Cauldron, Witch with Cat on Broom, Singing Gargoyle
LOA: Dragon head and tail, Graveyard, RBL Ghosts
Others: Native Spinners, Arch’s, Window and door frames, Verticals (Pixel Poles), Horizontals, Virtual Matrix, Mega Tree, Moving Heads, DMX Floods
Groups Used: All, Bats (Left and Right), Arches, Bigda Fans, Rosa Wreath (all groups), Bats, Ghosts, Verticals, Horizontals, Spinners, House all, House Props, Yard, Roof, House Outline, Tombstones
Sequence includes a Lyric track
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Black Magic - Little Mix
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